

Frontiers CTSA Presents 2019 Team Science Award

The 2019 Frontiers Team Science Award was presented to Patricia Kluding, P.T., Ph.D., Douglas Wright, Ph.D., and Mamatha Pasnoor, M.D., at Frontiers Research Day on Thursday, March 28, 2019, for their project titled "Team Science Approaches to Translational Research in Diabetic Neuropathy.

NIH Grant to Spur Innovation

BBC Entrepreneurial Training & Consulting (BBCetc) and its program partner, the University of Kansas, have been awarded a 3-year FastTrack STTR grant from the National Institutes of Health (NIH). The award is intended to help move scientific discoveries and technologies out of the lab and into commercial products to improve human health. Becky Aistrup, managing partner, BBC Entrepreneurial Training & Consulting (BBCetc) and Douglas Wright, PhD, vice chair, Anatomy and Cell Biology, University of Kansas Medical Center, serve as principal investigators on the project.

An Unlikely Treatment Offers Hope For Chronic Pain Sufferers But Drug Makers See Little Incentive

Andrea Nicol (Wright Lab collaborator) is a physician who treats chronic pain. She describes low-dose naltrexone as hitting the body’s reset button. “What it’s felt to do is not shut down the system but restore some balance to the opioid system,” Nichol says.

Wright appointed vice chair of research in anesthesiology

"Doug Wright, Ph.D. is the new vice chair of research in the Department of Anesthesiology. Wright brings to the department leadership in establishing nationally recognized programs of excellence in research, a strong history of external funding, and a track record of mentoring junior scientists and clinicians".

NIH grant helps KU provide obesity and metabolism research training for pre-doctoral graduate students

The NIH has awarded KUMC a prestigious grant to provide training focused on obesity and metabolism for pre-doctoral graduate students. This T32 training grant is a the five-year, $1.3 million award is another facet of KU Medical Center’s growing research efforts to combat obesity and obesity-related diseases and conditions.

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Department Faculties Receive the Mentoring Awards

Doug Wright received the Excellence in Mentoring Award! The awards was conferred at the Annual Faculty Retreat on Friday, August 12th 2016.


Researchers in the KU Schools of Medicine and Health Professions collaborate to better understand diabetes and its complications

Doug Wright is part of a team at the University of Kansas Medical Center that studies peripheral neuropathy, one of the major complications of diabetes. Results from a human exercise study informed the way basic scientists designed a study in mice. The "bedside to bench" approach, as it were, has helped add to the understanding of various pain syndromes. 

$19 million National Institutes of Health grant to support multi-university bioscience program

Led by Doug Wright, the University has received a five-year, $19 million grant from the National Institute of General Medical Sciences of the National Institutes of Health, which will continue an INBRE research program that has brought $64 million into the state since it was first funded in 2001.


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